Total Physiotherapy
quality movement for body and mind
Physiotherapy considers the way the body moves and treats conditions affecting movement, be it by pain, poor control, instability or through neurological mechanisms. It aims to restore full function where possible and prevent re-injury.
Veterinary Physiotherapy is fast becoming an essential part of animal rehabilitation offering assessment and treatment techniques to promote healing and return to full function following injury or surgery and to treat pre-existing conditions such as arthritis or general ageing.
Modified Pilates is a giant leap forward in the field of Pilates as it can only be taught by certified health professionals; designed by physiotherapists to focus on fitness and injury prevention or as part of your injury rehabilitation. People of all fitness levels and ages can benefit from Pilates, including those with poor posture, back pain, sports injuries, arthritis, stress related illness and mothers during and after pregnancy.
Pinc Pilates is dedicated to improving the strength, quality of life and sense of well-being of women diagnosed with cancer; delivered by certified PINC Cancer Rehab Physiotherapists and providing a full range of services designed to help maximise recovery, regain physical and emotional strength, improve body confidence and control.
Infant massage courses are a great way to promote nurturing touch and communication with you infant. Through interaction we can help you learn more about your baby's needs, benefit baby's self-esteem and help with baby's body and social awareness. IAIM courses may be taught by Certified Trainers only.
Testimonials - don't take our word for it!
Great service and super friendly staff. I feel superific and fantastic! And could easily go back to my active lifestyle. Amie
Have found it fantastic and am moving better than I have in years. Sue
I was very happy with the help I received ... she was interested in getting to the root of the problem and not just dealing with the symptoms. Carole
You have brought me huge relief from pain, and also given me the confidence to avoid doing the same thing again with a comprehensive exercise programme and new body awareness. Jill
Our LabxGreyhound was recovering from cruciate ligament surgery. Becky has been instrumental in getting our family pet back to full fitness. Mabel
"Everyone was very helpful and pleasant."
"I found the hard copy of the exercises good to have as I could check that I was doing them correctly."
"Thanks for your gentle, caring and thorough professional treatment of my back injury ..."
"You have brought me huge relief from pain and also given me new confidence to avoid doing the same thing again with a comprehensive exercise programme and body awareness."
"I can warmly recommend Total Physiotherapy."
"... feeling way better; thanks you for fabulous service and smile!"
Would you like to add your testimonial? Email us now!